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Multi-dimensional Time
Scientists have been pretty long exploring space with many dimensions. In the twentieth century, it became natural to operate with a unified space-time with various number of dimensions. But it turns out that geometry and even physics can be studied using a model in which all the dimensions are temporal. Due to the unique additional symmetry, this model has many advantages and can better describe the surrounding reality than common space-time construction we use today. Then what kind of world do we live in? Maybe the idea of space and
space-time is only a simplified representation of reality in which all the dimensions are actually temporal? The answer to these questions can be given by fairly simple experiments in which instead of particles there are point events, and instead of rulers there are high precision clock.
"Multi-Dimensional Time" is a continuation of the previously released films, "The geometry of the universe from different points of view" (2006) and "Anisotropic World" (2009).
In order to become more familiar with the issues raised in the film and to discuss them in more detail visit our website and forum at : http://www.polynumbers.ru